Players can also now draw custom designs in customization mode using the GamePad, which is sort of neat. A few of these objects have also made their way to the customization mode.
#Tekken tag tournament 2 wii u edition full#
It’s hilarious to see Panda fighting as Princess Peace or your custom Combot fighting in full Ganon armor. The game also features a handful of custom Nintendo-themed alternate costumes for every single character in the game. I suppose one could use muscle memory in order to perfect this technique if they really wanted. This whole mechanic isn’t as smooth in practice as you’d think, since the high-speed combat of Tekken usually requires constant concentration on the fight instead of what’s in your hands. It should also be noted that the same effect can be accomplished by holding the left trigger and hitting one of the four face buttons. Players can press a quick section of the screen in a pinch in order to pull off certain special moves. The GamePad brings with it a few unique features to the already great game. The Wii U Edition even manages to maintain much of the same high-quality visuals that the console versions do, although the occasional low-res texture does still pop up. You can still fire up the Fight Lab in order to learn the intricacies of the fighting mechanics and figure out why you’re getting your ass handed to you, and you can still customize characters to your liking to look even more intimidating or harmless and hilarious. You can still jump into any of the arcade, survival, time attack or practice modes. The Wii U Edition of the game sports many of the same features as the other console releases. It’s okay, I’ll wait.īut yes, children, the Tekken franchise has finally made its way to a Nintendo console, and from the moment the release was announced fans were coming up with ideas for unique ways that players can use the GamePad to their strengths. If you want a quick refresher on why I think Tekken Tag 2 might be the greatest fighting game of the year, I encourage you to read my initial review before continuing on. I’m sure you’re sick of hearing me say this by now, but since Tekken Tag 2 was already released several months ago, this review will focus on the differences between the already-released versions and the Wii U version. But patience has paid off, and perhaps one of the greatest Tekken games of all time has arrived on Nintendo’s shiny new box. It’s taken nearly 18 years for a Tekken game to appear on a Nintendo home console.